• I’m Julia Raber, owner and founder of Ancient Soap. When I was 17, I was having allergic reactions to skin care products from the store. The fragrances would make me want to vomit, my skin was incredibly dry and I had to keep lotion around all the time. I thought there must be a better way to take a simple shower without having all of these complications.

    I started researching cold process soap and the different oils available to use in bar soap. I was thrilled with what I found! All of these plant based oils are SO incredibly nourishing for the skin, can help with wrinkles, blemishes, and protects us from free radicals! Using essential oils instead of fragrance oils in soap is not a simple process but after much trial and error, I’m very happy with the product presented to you!

  • We use these bars for literally everything. We use them for body wash, face wash, shaving cream, and yes, even shampoo!

    Some bars do lather a bit more than others but that is because of the base blend of the oils in that recipe. Some bars are meant to be more hydrating and others to just have a great lather and feel luxurious!

    Each recipe has been carefully put together by myself and I hope you enjoy the products as much as we do!

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